IT Job Seeking: Important Skills To Fill In Your Resume

Securing a job is not an easy task, there are many things you would need to note, skills you would need to have and years of experience you must have gained. However, if you take a look at IT jobs in Singapore, you might gain some understanding of your requirements. This article will give you a little bit about the skills you need to have when seeking a job in IT. It will also, as you read along, help you know the details to add to your resume especially when you have no prior experience on the job. This will help in building your resume in general.

Common skills you need to have before securing an IT job include:

  • Technical skills – this includes technical writing, coding, data management, social media management, etc. You need to have at least basic knowledge in all these areas. You should also have a certificate to show for it.
  • Soft skills – this includes communication, organization, creativity, tenacity, etc. It would not matter if you have a vast understanding and experience in technicality you must also have improved soft skills. These soft skills go a long way in boosting your productivity.

For someone with no experience in the IT industry but with the above skills, when writing your resume, you have to note these skills and carefully lay them out. You should also write a summary of your professionalism, the skills you have garnered throughout the years, your education and your achievements made academically, training and certifications, and personal experience and projects relevant to the post you are applying for.